5 Organization Tips/Tricks to Help Jumpstart Your Spring Cleaning!

Its the time of year us cluttered girlies dread — spring cleaning! Time to bid adieu to the winter blues and welcome the fresh vibes of spring, which unfortunately means it's time to roll up those sleeves and tackle the chaos that has been hibernating in our homes all winter long!

But don’t let that stress you out! We’ve come bearing not just any old cleaning tips, but five simple, quick, and downright brilliant organization tricks to kick-start your spring cleaning game like a pro!

  1. The Reverse Shopper's High: Remember that euphoric feeling you get when you buy something new? Well, it's time to flip the script. Take a good, hard look at your belongings and ask yourself, "Does this item still spark joy?" If not, it's time to Marie Kondo that ish right out of your life. Channel your inner minimalist and declutter like you're on a mission from the universe itself.

  2. The Power of Three: Feeling overwhelmed by the mountain of stuff staring you down? Take a deep breath and repeat after me: "Three is the magic number." Pick three areas in your home that need the most TLC – whether it's your chaotic closet, the abyss under your bed, or that scary junk drawer in the kitchen – and focus solely on conquering those. By breaking it down into bite-sized chunks, you'll feel like a conqueror with every victory.

  3. The Sneaky Storage Shuffle: Let's play a game of hide-and-seek with your clutter. Invest in some sneaky storage solutions like under-bed bins, hanging organizers, or ottomans with secret compartments. With a little sleight of hand, you can make your space look effortlessly tidy while secretly stashing away all those odds and ends.

  4. The 10-Minute Tidy-Up: Ain't nobody got time for hours of cleaning marathons. Instead, bust out your favorite tunes and challenge yourself to a 10-minute tidy-up dance party every day. Set a timer, crank up the music, and boogie your way through a quick blitz of tidying. You'll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in just a few short minutes – plus, it's way more fun than scrubbing toilets for hours on end, and with daily repetition it’ll feel easier and easier to keep up with the mess.

  5. The Joyful Junkyard Jamboree: Okay, let's get real for a sec – not everything can spark joy. But that doesn't mean it deserves to end up in the landfill either. Embrace your inner eco-warrior and host a joyful junkyard jamboree by recycling, repurposing, or donating your unwanted items. Not only will you declutter your space, but you'll also feel like a superhero saving the planet, one discarded trinket at a time.

Good luck on your cleaning journey and making your house GLOW!


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