Get into the Spirit of Thanks!

It’s easy to get overwhelmed in a sea of negativity between things we see on the news, hear at work, or have going on at home, and taking time for mindfulness activities isn’t exactly at the top of most people’s list.

Although it may not be a priority, there are studies that suggest focusing on the present can have a positive impact on health and well-being. Practicing mindfulness has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression, and there's also evidence that mindfulness can lower blood pressure and improve sleep.

So whether you do it to get into a thankful mindset this Holiday, or you decide to incorporate it into your routine to have a healthier state of mind, here are several mindfulness activities to try this Thanksgiving.

  • Gratitude Journaling

    • Start your day by jotting down three things you're thankful for. Whether it's a warm cup of coffee, a friendly chat with a coworker, or a beautiful sunrise, keeping a gratitude journal helps shift your focus towards positive experiences. They can be small moments too! Just focusing on the positive makes a big difference in the way you look and think about things!

  • Mindful Breathing

    • Take a few minutes each day to practice deep and mindful breathing. Inhale slowly through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale through your mouth. This simple exercise can calm your mind and help you appreciate the gift of each breath. This is also a great tool if you begin feeling stressed or overwhelmed! — Cooking for a family can be stressful, keep this one in mind!

  • Nature Walk

    • Go for a walk in nature, whether it's a nearby park or a forested trail. Pay attention to the sights, sounds, and scents around you. Notice the rustling leaves, the chirping birds, and the gentle breeze. Nature has a way of grounding us and inspiring gratitude. There are a lot of gorgeous trails in the NoVA area and this is a wonderful, cost effective, activity that you can even do with the family!

  • Meditation

    • Set aside time for meditation each day. Focus on your breath or use guided gratitude meditation scripts. Meditation can create a sense of inner peace and make you more aware of the things you're thankful for.

  • Mindful Eating

    • As you prepare and enjoy your meals, practice mindful eating. Savor the flavors, textures, and aromas. Pay attention to the effort that went into preparing the food and express gratitude for the nourishment it provides. Just truly allow yourself to enjoy the meal — you probably worked hard making it!

  • Gratitude Letters

    • Write letters of gratitude to friends, family, or colleagues who've had a positive impact on your life. Express your appreciation for their presence and kindness. Sending these letters or keeping them for yourself can be a rewarding experience. This is a great activity for the kids too! Get cute stationary or stickers to turn this activity into a fun, family craft that is both meaningful and good practice!

  • Digital Detox

    • Take a break from technology and social media to disconnect from the digital world. Spend quality time with loved ones, read a book, or simply enjoy the peace and quiet. Unplugging can help you appreciate the simple joys in life. Remember, just because that influencer’s Thanksgiving LOOKS perfect, it may not be! Don’t let social media make you feel bad about the good things you have going on!

  • Mindful Reflection

    • Sit quietly and reflect on the past year. Take stock of your achievements, lessons learned, and the relationships that have enriched your life. Recognize how these experiences have contributed to your growth and well-being. You can also use this reflection to help yourself begin planning your resolutions for next year!

  • Mindful Gratitude Ritual

    • Create a mindfulness ritual specific to Thanksgiving. Light a candle, offer a prayer, or express your thanks in your own way. This ritual can serve as a reminder to be grateful not only on Thanksgiving but throughout the year. It can also become a fun tradition to pass down in the family!


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